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Welcome to our Screening Page :)

You can screen several ways....

1. Fill Out The Screening Page On This Page

   A. If you are using Provider/Agency References Make sure to include their contact info.

   B. If you are using a Handle for TER, P411 or others make sure you are whitelisted, okayed, recent reviews of reputable providers/agencies.

   C. If you are using Employment Screening Please include all the required info.


2. You can email any of the above to our email.

3. You can text any of the above to our phone.


We DO NOT EVER EVER EVER Keep your personal info. It is discarded immediately after screening for everyones safety. Here at Private Playmates we pride ourselves on being highly discreet and safety is always our top concern.


Please DO NOT talk explicit or vulgar, DO NOT try to negotiate or speak of donations, either of these will get you on a permanent blacklist.


We DO NOT accept backpage, craigslist, bodyrub references or non reputable providers/agencies.


We look forward to meeting you and making memorable moments,



(404)772-9382 (texting is preferred and faster)

[email protected]